Sunday, February 26, 2012


Yesterday I stayed home the entire day, waiting for the repair people that we were told were on the way.  All day long, no one came.  This morning, a supervisor came by to look at the water heater, and he thinks the brand new one is broken now - so tonight will be the 4th night in a row of cold showers.  Add this to the fact that the new cell phone that I waited 3 weeks for only worked for one day, the bugs I found crawling in the popcorn kernels I bought last weekend, and our computer's inability to download ANY shows or movies from iTunes.....and I am one unhappy camper.

I try really hard to be positive, and most days it's not so hard.  I can laugh about most of the inconveniences, and having JoAnn to pal around with makes most of the days fun.  But sometimes it just all piles up, and I want desperately to get OUT of here!  I want to sleep without having to be shrouded in a mosquito net.  I want to hop in the car and drive myself wherever I feel like going (mainly Target).  I want to eat at a restaurant without picking through my child's food to remove eggshells, pig hair, or whatever else has been thrown in (that's a story for another day).  In short, I'm just having myself a pity party.  Maybe a cold shower will help!

1 comment:

  1. oh friend! I wish i was there to go grocery shopping with you. fabric shopping with you and take you to target. you are strong and can do it! i have faith in you!
