Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Buddy System

Friends make all the difference in my life. Through all of our many moves (8 since we married, if you're counting!) I've had lots of friends come and go....but most of them have stuck with me, and they are blessings that I am thankful for every day.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I had no friends nearby, and I really struggled with feeling isolated and alone. Through the miracle of the internet, I found a group of ladies who were all expecting babies the same month as me, and they became a source of comfort, humor, and understanding for me. To this day, we keep in touch online, and it never fails to warm my heart when I think of them.

When I moved to Alaska, I knew no one. It was the dead of winter, and I had no idea how I would meet anyone, much less form any friendships. A mom's group led me to find the strangest, funniest, most creative bunch of wickedly smart potty-mouthed friends a girl could ever hope to find!

Now, in Africa, I've become convinced that God really cracked himself up when he sprinkled my future friends all over the globe. JoAnn, who is from Oklahoma, has become my dear friend here. If a day passes without us hanging out or chatting, then it feels like something's just not right. She kicks my butt when I need it, and helps me see the bright side of living in a third world country. This post is just to express what I don't say enough - if you are one of the few people kind enough, brave enough, patient enough to be my friend - thank you. You make my life so much brighter.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have indeed been blessed in your moves! I too feel great comfort when I think of all my December 2000 friends online. In fact, at school when I talk about someone I know who lives in another state/country, my co-workers always say, "your moms' group, right?" You all have become part of the story of my life :)

  3. you've more than earned the friendship that's reciprocated. luvu much.

  4. I lobe you! But you already knew that.
