Monday, March 5, 2012

Water, Water....

I felt like the biggest jerk last week!  After telling our maid about the hot water heater leaking, and our 4 days without hot water - she gently informed me that her house doesn't EVER have hot water.  I'm such a bratty spoiled American!

Should I start with the positive?  We have a functioning hot water heater again.  But just to keep us from getting too crazy, we are also smack in the middle of a water shortage.  This means that sporadically, throughout the day, no water will come from the tap.  We've got plenty of drinking water, since that gets delivered in 5 gallon jugs - so really, it's just a nuisance.

Back to the tap water - it's filtered, but there's some question about whether or not it's okay to brush your teeth with it.  Some people in the compound use the bottled water to brush their teeth, but that is just a pain in the pooper - you have to remember to fill a container to take with you every time you brush your teeth.  So since maybe the 3rd week of living here, we've just used the tap water to brush with, and it's been no problem.....for 4 out of 5 people in our family.  ONE person seems to get sick when she uses the tap water to brush with.  ONE person's intestinal tract seems to be too delicate to handle the African tap water.  And ONE person can't quite get it through her thick head that this is the case, so she keeps trying to go back to using the tap water....only to get sick again.  So forgive me for not posting here last week - I was feeling a little bit icky...but I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the water!*

*Yes, I know, it's the water.  Yes I will only use bottled water to brush with from now on, if only to save myself from the severe beating that JoAnn has threatened me with.

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