Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Still alive

Oh, hello there!  Were you wondering where the heck I went?  I'm still here, I've just been a little....distracted.  Sorry about that!  You see, there's this funny thing that happens when you live here.  There is a three month cycle: The first 6 weeks or so, you plug along and everything is pretty peachy.  Weeks 7 and 8, you notice that you're getting a little crabby.  Weeks 9 and 10 you have to really struggle to not slap the person who cuts in front of you in line at the store, and you find yourself griping about all the little annoyances here.  Weeks 11 and 12 you pretty much are just killing time until you get to fly far, far away from Angola for a bit - and then the cycle starts all over again!  So all of the companies who provide a 'R and R' break for the employees and their families every 3 months - they know what they're doing.  So anyway, we leave for Mauritius in 9 days.

I have all sorts of other pictures and stories to share - but I can't really focus long enough to put them here, because you see, it has been 12 weeks since we came back from South Africa.  I promise, in April, I will be back to posting regularly and hopefully will be able to put together a coherent story or two.  Until then, I am just trying to keep my cool and not punch anyone.

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