Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 23, 2011

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I'm going to be struggling to keep a thankful attitude.  I know I have loads of things to be grateful for, but at the moment I'm really missing my family and friends.  I'm tired of cooking every meal, and doing the whole turkey and fixings for our little family really isn't going to be feasible with how little of those foods are available here.  We will, however, be going over to a new friend's house on Sunday to have a Thanksgiving potluck, and I'm sure that will be fun.  I found a frozen turkey at the grocery store earlier this week, another friend donated a box of Stovetop stuffing mix, and the rest will get patched together to resemble a Thanksgiving meal!

I think maybe the Thanksgiving holiday would be easier to get through if there wasn't Christmas right around the corner.  Everyone I know in our compound is leaving for the 3 weeks that the kids have off of school in December, and I wish so badly that we were going home to the U.S.  I'm really hoping our trip to Cape Town will help me cheer up and get through the holidays!

Random funny for the day - this bag of chips I bought.  They're Lays, and a friend here informed me that they were BBQ flavor.  Normally, in the US, I don't really buy chips - especially not when they're $8 a bag! - but here, anything that resembles something from home is really nice.  So I bought the chips.  They are, in fact, BBQ flavor - and I assumed that that label on the front translated into something like "Camping Flavor."  Clearly I have lots to learn, because Google translator says that the chips are in fact, "Peasant Income" flavor.  Yum.

1 comment:

  1. Your Portuguese is much better than Google's! Miss you lots, very very proud of you.
