Sunday, November 20, 2011

November 20, 2011

A trip to the store is always interesting.  Earlier this week I went to a few small grocery stores that were new to me, and made some exciting finds.  #1 - hummus!  In a can!  Strange, but not terrible tasting.  Oh, and this reminds me - living here has made me change my whole way of classifying foods.  In the past, things were either delicious, okay, or icky.  Here, we can't be so picky.  So....if something tastes ok, meaning you can get it down without gagging, AND doesn't make you ill - that is classified as GREAT!  Whatever doesn't meet those criteria - not so good.  Moving on....find #2 - top ramen noodles!  I know, I know....I really need to find other forms of excitement in my life, but trust me - procuring food is the number one most important activity around here.  Top ramen noodles, for only $2.45 apiece = a good day. And, rounding out my top 3 - free shots of whiskey!  Yeah, I've been meaning to mention this.  There aren't (to my knowledge) any free samples of food given out in stores here.  Not sure why, exactly - but alcohol samples are pretty common!  That's not even the weirdest part - they give out these samples in glasses that are re-used by everyone who is tasting them.  I am really not a girl who often turns down free alcohol, but ICK!

Oh, and just in case any of you were wondering about our scheduled boat ride/fishing trip pretty much went the way most things go here.  We woke up early, packed lunches, hauled the kids down to the dock (about a 45 minute drive), got on the boat, and made it maybe half a mile out.....before one of the two motors broke down.  So then we got to turn around and go back.  Oh, but all was not lost!  We did get to see a guy urinating off the top deck of a big oil really, who could complain?

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