Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 19, 2011

Today is Adam's 37th birthday!  It was really tough to find any sort of birthday stuff for him, so we had to improvise.  Miles drew him a  great picture - showing Miles tickling Adam's toes - complete with a drawing of Adam with rainbow hair.  Molly made an amazing paper structure of a house with an alligator coming out of it, and Max made a power point presentation!  Max has never really been a kid who is into drawing or art, but hand him a computer and he is SO creative!  He had singing, a graph showing 'level of Dad's awesomeness', and video really made Adam's day.  I was able to find a really neat shirt for Adam, a Bermuda type button down shirt made from African fabric.  Later today we'll have homemade cake and ice cream, and tomorrow we'll go out on a BP owned boat to fish and visit Mussulo island.

Halfway through writing this post, the power went out.  This happens every day, multiple times per day.  It's gotten so expected that when the power goes out while we're eating dinner, the kids continue talking and eating without missing a beat.  The last time it happened at dinner, the power came back on within a few minutes, but we opted to keep the lights off, it was just more peaceful!  This is typical of the attitude that we've found is necessary to survive here - either you laugh, or you cry....and laughing makes things so much easier.  Those of you who know me would probably not describe me as the most laid back person, especially when it comes to small annoyances....dripping water, repetitive beeping noises, being hot and sweaty....these things would send me over the edge before we moved here.  Now, they are a part of daily life, and they hardly even register with me.  I think it's a good change, and I hope that it's a lasting one.

In case you're wondering, it's hardly all giggles and sunshine for me here.  There have been plenty of times that I've curled up and cried, and told Adam that I wanted to go home - NOW!  I've worried countless hours over the kids' safety, their health, and I've felt uncomfortable at every new experience.  But I still believe this will be an experience that we look back on with pride, and I hope that I'll be stronger for it.

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