Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Water and Life

Have you missed me posting about our water problems?  Well then, it's your lucky day!  For the past week or so (ever since we got back from our Dubai trip), our water pressure has been extremely low.  The first few days, I didn't think much of it - because frankly, it takes a lot more than low water pressure to impress me these days.  One night I went to fill up the bathtub, and the water was literally dribbling out of the faucet, down the wall of the tub.  This got my attention - because if there's one thing I really treasure, it's my nightly bath!  I'm sure you can guess where this is's now been 5 days since we called and emailed, asking for maintenance to come and see what's wrong, and no one has come.  This morning I came home from kickboxing class, drenched in sweat - and was treated to an extra fun shower.  It went like this:  I'd turn on the water, hurry up and get wet, and then the water would stop.  I'd turn off the shower, wait a minute for the pressure to build back up, and then repeat the process.  I could get about 20 seconds of water each time, and I did manage to wash my hair, body, AND shave my legs - so really, I don't have much to complain about.

Adam and I had a very nice couple over to our house this weekend.  They were on their 'reccie' trip, to see if they want to come and live in Angola.  It does me so much good to talk to people who are in this stage.  Not only do I get to feel like I can help ease their worries, but it shows me how far I've come in the last 15 months.  When I first visited Angola, I was a wreck.  I cried every day, and I really and truly could not see how I could ever survive here.  Even after we decided that yes, we would do it - I wasn't sure how long I'd last.  But I told our guest this weekend, that what I've learned is that the key isn't being so strong that nothing gets you down - it's being strong enough that when things do get you down, you get back up again.

I've sent another round of emails about our water situation, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.  Thank you to everyone who checks in on me through this blog - I love being able to share bits of life here with you!

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