Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Say What?

I've mentioned quite a few times that the national language of Angola is Portuguese.  I have been trying to learn to speak Portuguese, and I have a fair grasp of it, enough that I can manage most situations.  When we first moved here, one of the biggest stresses I had was communicating.  Not only did I have a hard time understanding Portuguese, I had a hard time making myself understood - so each interaction with someone was a trial.

One thing I did NOT expect was the difficulty communicating with other English speakers.  Yes, we may speak the same language, but when accents and local phrases come into play - it can be harder to understand than a totally different language!

Yesterday was the perfect example of this.  I went to school in the afternoon, and was waiting to gather Miles from his classroom.  A woman that I know walked over to me, and began talking to me.  Now - I know this woman casually.  She is from South Africa, and so she speaks English, but with a thick accent.  Most times I can understand what she's saying, but yesterday I was truly baffled. She said, "I have to ask you a favor.  Can you make beps for nakebowl? "


I said, "Umm, I'm not sure I understand."  She spoke louder, "You know, nakebowl?  I need BEPS, BEPS for the children to play nakebowl!"  I was mentally searching for anything I could think of that sounded similar to what she was saying, but I was coming up blank!  She was standing there, waiting for an answer.  I said, "I.....have no idea what you're asking me, I'm so sorry."  She sighed, and clearly thought she was dealing with an idiot.  Slowly, she explained that she was organizing a game of NET BALL for the children at school, and she needed me to sew BIBS for each team to wear.  I've never even heard of netball, and I'd rather not spend my time sewing dumb bibs for it - but I was so frazzled by the whole ordeal I just told her 'sure' so we could end the conversation.  Exhausting, I tell you - that is the best description of life here.....but it's sure good for funny stories.

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