Thursday, August 9, 2012

Happy New Year!

In one week and three days, the kids will start a new school year.  Though it's not quite a full year since we arrived in Angola, I'm declaring this a new year!  We aren't the new kids on the block anymore, and though this place is still chock full of unique experiences and challenges, I feel like I'm much better equipped to handle them.

The electricity in our house is still having some sort of problem.  This was supposed to get fixed while we were gone, but that didn't happen - so instead, a crew of guys are supposed to come today and test every circuit to find the problem.  For a few hours this morning, we also had no water upstairs.  The water worked fine downstairs - but not upstairs!  I called to report that to maintenance, but it magically started working again on its own, and the maintenance guys still haven't showed up!

We wanted to paint a few rooms in this house, just to jazz things up and make it feel more like home.  Our first trip to the paint store, we picked out colors, and then found out that they were out of paint.  ALL PAINT.  They told us, "Maybe Monday," they'd have more.  So Tuesday I headed back with the kids, and spent about an hour at the paint counter - only to find out that again, they didn't have the 3L cans of paint we wanted, that are $60.  They did, however, have 15L cans - and those were only $478 apiece.  Needless to say, we still don't have paint.  You notice how buying in bulk actually costs you MORE here?  That's just one of those things that makes no sense, but there's no point in questioning it.

I'm rolling with the punches, and not letting these things faze me much - but I can tell you, I am SOOOO looking forward to JoAnn coming back, and the kids starting back to school!  I can handle a lot, but 10 weeks straight of summer vacation is pushing my limits!  ;-)

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