Tuesday, August 14, 2012

If it Wasn't For Bad Luck.....

I'd have no luck at all.  Yeah.  Our electricity is still wonky, despite a 'team' of men working at my house all day long last week.  They spent about 6 hours turning our power on and off, and ended by saying, "There is no problem, Madame."  Amazing conclusion, considering our power cuts out even MORE than the average Angolan household (which already is a lot), and our breaker trips constantly, sometimes refusing to go back on.  But there's no problem!

After a weekend with no running water, plus at least three visits from repairmen, we can again shower and flush the toilets - pretty key for a household of 5 people.  Unfortunately for us, the minute our water was restored, we realized a new problem - no HOT water!  This isn't a new problem, either - but in Angola, if something happens once, you can bet it will happen at least a few times more!  I'm waiting for someone to show up to check out the problem.  At 8:30 am, he said he'd be here soon.  At 10:30 am, he said he'd be here in 10 minutes.  It's now 11:10, and I'm just hoping someone shows up before lunchtime.  Another little fact about Angola?  Lunch time is at least two hours long.

On the bright side, however - my BFF is back in town!!!!  Yeah, life in Angola just got a lot better for me, now that JoAnn is back.  Now if I could just take a hot bath, I'd really have it made.

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