Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Our vacation had two parts - for the first six days, we were in Sun City, South Africa.  It was tons of fun, and I will post those pictures in another post.  The final four days were spent at Tuningi Lodge in Madikwe Reserve, also in South Africa.  Those four days were the most amazing that we have had on vacation, and we literally have thousands of pictures.  I will try to share some of the best here.

The watering hole behind our lodge

One of only five cheetahs in the reserve

The animals usually let us get very close!

Us in front of a termite mound - impressive!
We saw, heard, and learned so much in our short time in Madikwe.  All five of us agreed that it was the best trip ever, and we'd love to go back.  It's the first time I've seen nature as beautiful as we experienced in Alaska, and it was awesome.  We met the nicest people, and it was really an experience I will treasure forever.

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are stunning! Especially the last one! Your family is so beautiful.
