Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I've been neglecting this blog, but for good reason - we went on vacation!  Our first Christmas out of the country, and we spent it in Cape Town, South Africa.  It was HEAVEN!  We stayed in a very nice condo at the Waterfront, and walked miles every day, seeing all the sights.  Adam and Max got to go cage diving with great white sharks, we walked on the beach with penguins, and got pick pocketed by little squirrel monkeys.  I was a little worried that I'd be more depressed once we had to come back to Angola, after having a little time in a place where life was easier - but in fact, it's been the opposite.  I had a great respite from cooking, from not speaking the language, from really everything that makes life here so hard for me - and now I feel like I can face it all again, hopefully with a better attitude.

I'll post some pictures soon, just have a few hundred to sort through!

While we were away, our water problems miraculously improved!  I'm not sure if it's because there are hardly any families left on the compound over the break, or if something was actually repaired - but it's lovely to be able to take a shower without hopping in and out of the spray, avoiding the rapid, random switches from scalding hot to freezing cold.  It's the little things that make such a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to have you back, and very happy you had a nice reprieve. Rick is very impressed by Adam and Max's encounter with sharks, and Mali is jealous you met a penguin. (Currently her favorite animal.) Me myself, I'm thrilled you had a good shower. Lack of that alone could send me silly. Four days to a new year - cheers to us all!
