Sunday, October 7, 2012

Two Months, 11 Days, and 12 hours

Our house is officially a disaster.  We're being moved tomorrow to a hotel, so that they can shut off our power for four days and (supposedly) fix it.  I've asked, suggested, begged, and demanded that they move us permanently to another house in the compound, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen. So instead, I get to pack up my three children, the dog, school supplies, clothing, and everything else we'll need for four days, and completely disrupt our lives.  I've got to figure out where to move all of our refrigerated and frozen foods for four days, and find someone to fill in for me on bus duty.  Oh, and just to keep things interesting, I've also got two kids home sick!  So....I'm counting the days until we go on vacation.  This stinks.

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