Wednesday, September 12, 2012


One of the bummers of living so far away from our family is that they don't get to experience the kids on a regular basis.  We try to skype as often as possible (which isn't nearly enough) and I definitely feel like the grandparents all make a huge effort to connect with each of our kids.  So - I am going to try to post at least once a week about what's going on with each kid, in the hope that our family back home will feel a little more 'in the loop' with what's happening in their lives.

*Max was asked to participate in a small group of judo students who will train two extra days per week, in order to compete in a local competition.  This is very exciting for him, and though it will be a lot of hard work, we hope that it will be a great experience.  He's also decided to run for Student Council Treasurer of the Secondary School.  He'll be going up against kids not only in the Middle School, but High School students as well - so it will be a tough campaign.  I'm so impressed by his willingness to go for it!

*Molly is starting tap dancing and yoga next week - and these will be in addition to girl scouts and swim lessons.  Adam and I worried about the kids not having as much access to activities here, but that clearly is NOT a problem.  Molly is also planning to audition for a part in the school play.  I'm guessing that she gets her bravery in front of an audience from her Dad, because she certainly doesn't get that from me!

*Miles is doing great in Year 1 (aka Kindergarten).  He's learning Portuguese, becoming a stronger swimmer, and continuing to get better and better at READING!  This is exciting for our whole family, and often if I'm busy, one of the older kids will sit and listen to Miles read.  It's incredible how much Miles has changed just since last year - often he would fall asleep on the bus ride home from school, but this year he's bouncing off the bus and ready to go!

I'm hanging in there, trying each day to find things to be positive about.  Of all the things that needed repair in our house, I think the only one that's been completed was getting a lightbulb in the kitchen changed....but hey, it's something!

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