Monday, June 4, 2012

I Couldn't Make This Stuff Up! *Updated with more crazy*

This last week of school before the summer break is hectic. I've got PTA meetings, last-minute travel details, home repairs, plus packing suitcases. All of this is no surprise. What WAS a surprise was getting a phone call today from Miles' preschool teacher. She said, "I need to speak to you about a mouse.". Because I'm so used to misunderstanding people here, I was sure I must have heard her wrong. Nope. Apparently when the kids all went to get their snacks out of their backpacks, Miles grabbed his bag and a mouse jumped out! The teacher said they've had a mouse problem, and I guess when Miles left his bag open, the mouse jumped in and snacked on his sandwich. Miles tried convincing his teacher that his sandwich was still okay to eat, but luckily she has more sense than him. Just another day in Angola!

***Update:  I told our maid, Sao, about Miles' adventure at school.  I was trying to describe 'mouse' to her, since I don't know the portuguese word for it.  She finally understood me, and said (translated), "Oh, rats!  Very good!"  She must have noticed my strange expression, because she followed that up with, "Cook them with tomatoes and onion, very good."  Have I mentioned how thankful I am to have been born an American???

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