Monday, May 7, 2012

Thirty Seven

Happy Birthday to me!  I can honestly say that I never ever imagined celebrating a birthday in Angola, but that's just what I did.  Adam and I went out for a lovely dinner alone on Saturday night, thanks to my pal JoAnn and her husband Kenny.  They kept our three crazy children while Adam and I went out, and it was SO NICE to have some quality time with my hubby.

Today, after getting up at 4:30 am to run (clearly I've lost my mind), I had Portuguese lessons with JoAnn, and then we went into the city for a birthday lunch.  I know that some of you might think I'm really being overly mushy, but I have to tell you that I would not be handling this major life change half as well if it weren't for meeting JoAnn.  She makes me laugh when I'm crying, she puts up with my whining while making me do things that are good for me (see above - RUNNING!!!), and whenever we spend time together, I feel like I'm home.  She is the best gift I have received in the past year, and I'm keeping her!


  1. Happy Birthday! It seems JoAnn has definitely been a Godsend!
