Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day One (copied from my Facebook post)

So we've arrived at our new home in Luanda.  We have a house with a large yard, with banana and papaya trees.  The house doesn't feel like home yet, as none of the furnishings are ours, but I think once we hang some photos on the walls and get our stuff put away, it will start feeling more familiar.  The kids have handled the transition from America to Angola really well so far.  I was worried how they would react to the extreme poverty, the crazy traffic, the different language....but they seem to just be taking it all in, and accepting that it's just different.  Not better, not worse, necessarily - just different.  Everyone is super tired, a little cranky, a little clingy - but that's to be expected.  Max noted how weird it is to not be able to understand any of the billboards (they're in Portuguese) and Molly is super impressed by the Angolan women's ability to balance large items on their heads.  I've managed to handle grocery shopping twice (two different stores - once with a neighbor and once with Adam) which was one of my biggest fears.  Nothing is easy, nothing is quick, and it's SO MUCH HOTTER than any of us are used to!  But already I'm gaining a little confidence, and I'm determined to make the best of this.  I will post some pictures when I'm able to take them (it's not really encouraged to take photos in the city), but thanks everyone for the encouragement!  :-)

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