Monday, August 20, 2012

School Days

It's the first day of school for Max, Molly, and Miles!

Adam and I are the proud owners - I mean parents - of a 6th grader, a 4th grader, and a Kindergardener!

This morning went pretty smoothly, especially since I had Adam to help me get the kids ready for school.  We made it out of the house on time, and then found out that our school bus hadn't shown up.  Weird, right?  I just wouldn't be a day in Angola if everything went right!  So we had to pile two busloads of kids/parents onto one bus, but it all worked out okay.  I'm heading out the door in a few minutes to be bus mom for the afternoon, and I can't wait to hear about their day.  I missed the little turkeys today, though it was really nice to get the grocery shopping done in peace!

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