Sunday, December 11, 2011

Shopping like a hoarder

One of the things that I know has already been affected by our new home is the way that I shop.  Previously, I would either a) take a grocery list based on what we needed for the week, or b) run into the store and grab whatever I could put together as a last-minute meal.  Now, things are different.  I have a running list of things that I know are edible and reasonably safe to eat.  I buy these items in bulk, because I never know when I won't be able to find them.  I make a list when I go to the store, but I fully expect not to find any number of items on that list.  If I know something tends to be hard to find, that item is on the list, regardless of how many of it we already have at home.  So Adam went to the grocery store this weekend, to help me out and give me a break from the shopping.  It went a little like this.....

Adam:  "Honey, I can't find the sesame oil.  Do you know the word for sesame in Portuguese?"

Me:  "It's sesamo, I think.  If you can't find it, don't worry - just keep going down the list."

A few minutes later...

Adam:  "Uh, this bread flour on the list?  I see 'farinha de maize' is that it?"

Me:  "Nope, that's not it.  They usually don't have it, but sometimes they do - so just don't worry about it, and keep going down the list."

Five minutes later.....

Adam:  "Where do you usually find tortilla chips?  I see Cheetos and Lays, but no tortilla chips."

Me:  "I found them once at another store, they're on the list just in case they show up."

With shopping adventures like this, our pantry is starting to resemble that of a crazy person.  We've got 15 boxes of UHT milk (it doesn't expire for about 6 months, so you can stock up), 3 boxes of Rice Krispies, 4 loaves of sandwich bread, 5 bags of flour, 4 jars of peanut get the idea.  When I imagine us going back to the US (yes, I fantasize about this daily) I wonder if I'm going to be a little overwhelmed at first, and just start grabbing things left and right like they're going to disappear.

One week from today we leave for Cape Town, South Africa.  I've been told that they have a lot more grocery items there, so hopefully that will be a chance for me to stock up on some items!  See....I'm a hoarder now.

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